Your Brand New Parking Lot

Some may say first impressions are everything. When potential customers drive up to a storefront for the first time, a smooth driving surface with properly laid out markings can help make their experience a positive one. The bright color contrast of newly painted stripes on new black asphalt can make the building look updated, and well maintained. A new parking lot shows customers that their safety is important, and speaks highly of integrity of the store.

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New asphalt is a serious investment. We at Proper Paving will work closely with you to construct a plan that best fits into your budget and schedule. Your satisfaction is important to us, and every detail of your vision matters. With over 20 years of experience, we have the knowledge to make sure your newly built parking lot meets density requirements and standards, and also has a smooth ride and looks beautiful.

One common question property owners have is, “Will it interrupt business hours?” We understand that customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance. In most cases, parking lots can remain in use during construction, and barriers set up to provide a safe zone for workers and customers.

Ready to get started planning your new parking lot? Contact us today for a free estimate!

Don’t Let Your Investment Slip Through the Cracks

In order to maximize the life of your asphalt driveway or parking lot, and protect your investment against deterioration, it is important to create a plan for maintaining your pavement that includes routine inspections and maintenance. Sealcoating is the first line of defense, followed by sealing cracks. First, let’s talk about the main causes of cracking.

What Causes Cracking?

  • Oxidation – as asphalt oxidizes, it loses the ability to flex when driven upon and becomes more brittle. Cracks typically first appear on higher traffic areas and along seams. These types of cracks are usually longer and straighter and can be easily sealed with rubber crack sealant.
  • Moisture – water can get in to the creases and crevices in the asphalt, and break down the paved surface over time. Drainage is a design and construction element that, when not considered, can allow water to pool and cause more damage over time.
  • Sun Exposure – the heat from the sun can break down the binding agent in the asphalt and cause the surface to be compromised.
  • Ground Movements – earthquakes and storms can cause the earth to shift, which moves the base layer and can result in voids in the sub-grade. Extreme heat and cool cause frost and thaw which also causes the ground to shift and the asphalt to expand and contract. Furthermore, changes in sub grade moisture content caused by heavy rain and droughts can cause the clay in the sub grade to expand and contract, which adds to the strain on the asphalt surface.
  • Construction Inadequacies – areas with heavy traffic will undergo more wear and tear, which can adversely affect the pavement structure if it was not designed to support such conditions.

What Can Be Done About Cracks?

Cracks between 1/8 of an inch and 2 inches can be sealed with a standard rubberized asphalt sealant. A regular maintenance program that includes sealing and crack sealing can slow down the rate of oxidation of the base layer and prevent moisture from entering the underlying layers, causing accelerated deterioration. If performed in an effective and timely manner, crack sealing is expected to extend pavement life and improve pavement performance.

Are the cracks in your pavement larger than 2 inches? Check out our post —”When Crack Sealant Just Isn’t Enough”

Let’s get started protecting your investment today.